
How to uninstall McAfee Security Center from your System

If you want to uninstall McAfee Security Center, follow these steps. 1 - Access McAfee's files in your program files folder in Explorer. Look for C:\program files\\agent\app. 2 - Delete all files contained in the folder. If you can’t find the McAfee application, enter "mcafee" in the Search feature on your Explorer toolbar. 3 - Go to the "Add and Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. Highlight "McAfee Security Center" and click on "Remove."

Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials is a new, free consumer anti-malware solution for your computer. It helps protect against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. It's available as a no-cost download for Windows XP SP2 and higher, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 http://www.microsof products/ mse.aspx

How to install Mobiola Webcam on your machine

This is a video demonstration of installing Mobiola Webcam

How to use your camera phone into a high quality wireless

Today I was trying to use my N95 8GB phone's 5 MP camera as a webcam to my laptop. After googling I find Mobiola Web Camera 3. Installing it over laptop is really very easy and after installation it gives u a tiny piece of desktop app with the little sisx application which need to be installed to your smart phone. This sisx should be transferred to the phone through any medium (bluetooth,infra or USB) and install on your mobile right after installation. You can access your phone camera from your laptop. Although result is not as good as 5 MP should be, but still its great to use as it can be use to record the movie in AVI format right onto your PC's hard drive with relatively low size which can be shared through any video sharing apps like Youtube ,facebook etc , and YES you can use it like your natve webcam required at messengers for Video Conference. Following are some of the features of Mobiola Webcam, It

Implementation Process of Business Intelligence in an Organization

Implementation Process of Business Intelligence in an Organizatio n

Potential problems in implementing Business Intelligence

User resistance is one big barrier to BI success; others include having to winnow through voluminous amounts of irrelevant data and poor data quality. The key to getting accurate insights from BI systems is standard data. Data is the most fundamental component of anyBI endeavour. It's the building blocks for insight. Companies have to get their data stores and data warehouses in good working order before they can begin extracting and acting on insights. If not, they'll be operating based on flawed information.

Concept of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence, or BI, is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of software applications used to analyse an organisation’s raw data. BI as a discipline is made up of several related activities, including data mining, online analytical processing, querying and reporting. Companies use BI to improve decision making, cut costs and identify new business opportunities. BI is more than just corporate reporting and more than a set of tools to coax data out of enterprise systems. CIOs use BI to identify inefficient business processes that are ripe for re-engineering. With today’s BI tools, business folks can jump in and start analysing data themselves, rather than wait for IT to run complex reports. This democratisation of information access helps users back up — with hard numbers — business decisions that would otherwise be based only on gut feelings and anecdotes. Although BI holds great promise, implementations can be dogged by technical and cultural challenges. Executives have t...